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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0292c129.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-06  |  228KB  |  619x843  |  8-bit (231 colors)
Labels: crt screen | daily | laptop | monitor | plant | reckoner | sky | windowpane
OCR: THE MONEY RANKINGS EQUITY FUNDS HE $10.00 Portfallo analysis invest No Smedmur Thro Fiva-yan FUND INAME -Type prade YDIR ylel (mlloms charge projaction appomheimer Time Mas 39.2 S19 19] 26. $359.3 5.75 $109 Oppanbeimer Totat IRstar GRI 36.3 5.0 539. E.76 609 Valux Stock GS 25.2 4E 48 .75 125 Overlan I Expross A+sut tAllocatior 20.7 12.5 35.0 128 PacificHoriaonAggresshn Growth Mas 70.1 35.1 151.7 120 Paino WehbarAssn AllecationB 18. 10.3 15 9. 363.0 Nanzi 110 Paina Webber Atls: Global 1Growth Gl 216.3 123 Pains Wobber Bluo Chip Growrth B G 15.2 17,65 NA 106.7 Nore 142 Paino Webber Dividend GrowthA GA 18.206 367.9 GTT Paina Webber Eurapo Grawth A 0.1 120.5 Paino Webber rGlebal EneryB 53.6 Nene Paino Webbes Growth&Incomo A G 85. 150 Paine' Webher 21. 57. Nenp2 Paino Webber Olympu GrowthA 21,9 ...